The story of Ted Bundy is an interesting tale to tell.
Ted Bundy was one of America’s most infamous serial killers, admitting to the murders of 30 victims, but some suspect there might have been more.
Not only did he murder these young women, but he brutally attacked them, some bodies were also never found.
I’ve been fascinated with this man for a long time. The first time I saw him on tv I thought he was rather attractive, and I still think he was, but then I found out who he was, a serial killer, but how could someone that looked so ordinary be such an awful person.
Ted Bundy was a handsome, smart guy. Not only did he study psychology but also law. So what made him hate women so much?
Some ideas are of his childhood. Ted grew up thinking that his grandmother was his mother and his grandparents his parents. Later (about high school or early college years, some differ on this) Ted found out the truth, and I must admit that that had to be pretty traumatic. He eventually got that famous surname from his stepfather, Johnny Bundy.
As a child he was rather shy and did not have a natural sense of getting along with people. He says “I didn’t know made things tick. I didn’t know what made people want to be friends. I didn’t know what made people attractive to one another.”
As said previously Ted studied psychology. Here he had to work as a volunteer at the Seattle’s Suicide Hot Line where he met the crime writer Ann Rule, who worked the night shift with him. It’s strange to think that someone so cruel and murderous was giving sound advice to people in need.
It’s also here that he met his girlfriend, who some believe he modeled his victims on. She had long brown hair parted in the middle, just like most of his victims. It’s said that when she left him because he was immature, that was a terrible blow to Bundy, another reason for him to maybe hate women.
Ted later came back into this girlfriend’s life, just to make her fall in love with him and then to dump her when she thought they would be together forever.
To get back to the murders, Ted usually victimized young girls living on campus in sorority houses or in flats.
Here are some information about the victims and the murders
“Shortly after midnight on January 4, 1974, Bundy entered the basement bedroom of 18-year-old "Joni Lenz" (a pseudonym), a dancer and student at UW. Bundy bludgeoned her with a metal rod from her bed frame while she slept and sexually assaulted her with a speculum.[32] Lenz was found the next morning by her roommates lying in a pool of her own blood. She was in a coma for ten days, but she survived the attack.”
“Bundy's next victim was Lynda Ann Healy, another UW student (and his cousin's roommate). In the early morning of February 1, 1974, Bundy broke into Healy's room, knocked her unconscious, dressed her in jeans and a shirt, wrapped her in a bed sheet, and carried her away.”
And so all college girls became afraid, because more and more of them were dissapearing.
Ted Bundy drove his VW bug, a brown color, and would use a fake sling or crutches to get his prey into his car by asking them to help him to carry some stuff to his car. Why wouldn’t any young girl help this attractive young man? Little did they know what a monster he was?
There were many victims that he lured this way, some got away, and others never made it.
One thing that makes these murders even more chilling is that not only did Ted rape these young women, he assaulted them, he raped them, he took their bodies, dressed them in fresh clothing, put make up on their faces and then raped them several times until the bodies were to rotten. Only much later did families get relief and a sense that things were over for their daughters when their bones were found in the woods.
When Ted was finally caught, he escaped; he was caught again, escaped again, and then finally caught for the last time. The last time he was caught he was sentenced to death. Ted Bundy eventually died in the electric chair on 7:06 a.m. on January 24, 1989.
Here are some of the things that were present in Ted Bundy’s car the first time he was caught. The police officer pulled him over and was suspicious of these things that he found.

Here is a list of his victims. Only 28 are mentioned here, although he confessed to more:
- Washington
- Katherine Merry Divine, 15
- Joni Lenz, 18
- Lynda Ann Healy, 21
- Donna Gail Manson, 19
- Susan Elaine Rancourt,19
- Roberta Kathleen Parks, 20
- Brenda Baker, 15
- Brenda Carol Ball,22
- Georgeann Hawkins, 18
- Janice Ott, 23
- Denise Naslund,18
- Colorado
- Caryn Campbell,24
- Julie Cunningham, 26
- Denise Oliverson,24
- Melanie Cooley, 18
- Shelly K. Robertson, 24
- Utah
- Melissa Smith,17
- Laura Aimes, 17
- Nancy Baird, 23
- Nancy Wilcox, 16
- Debi Kent, 17
- Carol DaRonch, 19
- Sue Curtis, 15
- Debbie Smith, 17
- Oregon
- Roberta Cathleen, 20
- Rita Lorraine Jolly, 17
- Vicki Lynn Hollar, 24
- Idaho
- Lynette Culver, 13
- Florida
- Margaret Bowman, 21
- Lisa Levy, 20
- Kathy Kleiner, 21
- Karen Chandler, 21
- Cheryl Thomas, 21
- Kimberly Leach, 12
He scares me!
He scares me to because he looked so normal...
I wish I could have seen his trial, apparently he was quite the character
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